During Fall 2023, I took a Motion Design class. Although I had some experience within the motion design space, this class really unlocked my passion for both motion design and storytelling. Here is some of the projects that came out of this class.
This is an ad for the Seattle Public Library system. I used After Effects and various stock footage in order to make this video. This was our final project.

Please watch with sound! This project was called "Music Interpretation" and we were required to sync basic shapes with a piece of music that we chose ourselves. I used Adobe Audition for basic audio editing, and used Adobe After Effects for the visuals.

This was the main storytelling project of the quarter, a stop-motion animation. I used Stop Motion Studio on iPhone for shooting, and Adobe After Effects for color grading and adding audio effects. 

This is a series of four Micro Animations: a toggle, a loading screen, a button, and another repeating loading screen. When designing this set, I wanted to try my hand at a very graphic-orriented set of micro animations. I centered around a weather theme, and kept the cloud as a motif. I used Adobe After Effects for the animation, and Adobe Illustrator to create the graphics. 

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